Specialist in family medicine, with extensive expertise in integrative and regenerative medicine. Selected to present a clinical case of Epstein-Barr virus-related alopecia universalis at the European Congress of Integrative Medicine.
Doctor – Training in microimmunotherapy I’m Dr Pedro Castejón, from Murcia, and for years I’ve been in contact with European medical groups working on micro-immunotherapy. These studies have enabled me to discover that the Epstein Barr virus is a...
Pharmacist – Naturopath Christèle Correas, a pharmacist with a degree from the University of Tours and a passion for natural medicine, stands out for her holistic therapeutic approach. Founder of the Institut de Formation Continue des Thérapeutes (IFCT) in...
As a Naturopath and Doctor of Immunology, I have been looking after my patients’ immune systems for many years, using a variety of methods: diet, nutrition, phytotherapy, mycotherapy, aromatherapy, micro-immunotherapy and certain stress and trauma management...