#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr


" I feel tired and I deplore the lack of professional support, being a doctor myself "

Under what circumstances did you find out about the Epstein Barr virus (doctor, internet…)?

Via serology.

How did you react?

I reacted well, as long as micro-immunotherapy exists!

What are your symptoms? How are you supported (doctor, family, association…)?

I feel tired and I deplore the lack of professional support, being a doctor myself and prescribing micro-immunotherapy treatments.

How does the Epstein Barr virus affect your daily life?

I’m tired and I get herpes outbreaks.

Why do you think it is important to raise awareness about the virus?

It is important to raise awareness of EBV in order to avoid EBV migration and EBV-related diseases.

Would you like to share anything else about your experience?

After 4 months of micro-immunotherapy (2LXFS) because I am also a CMV carrier, I feel less tired, my sleep has improved and I no longer have herpes outbreaks.