#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr

Detect EBV

Understanding, detecting and living with the virus Epstein-Barr


Learn more about EBV

Discover our 4 pillars of information on the Epstein-Barr Virus: understanding, detecting, living with and taking action.
Discover the space for each pillar to find out more.

Comprendre le virus Epstein-Barr

Understanding the Epstein-Barr virus

L'importance de détecter l'EBV

The importance of detecting EBV

Vivre avec le virus Epstein-Barr

Living with the Epstein-Barr virus

Agir pour faire connaître le virus Epstein-Barr

Taking action to raise awareness of the EBV

Showing the reality of EBV through your testimonials

Detect EBV collects written and video testimonials from researchers, caregivers and patients who are living with Epstein-Barr Virus.
Would you like to testify? 👇

Video testimonials

Marie-Gabrielle LEQUOQUE

10 misconceptions about EBV

Susagna Muns

What is behind EBV?

Stéphane Tempier

Top-level athlete

Comprendre le virus Epstein-Barr

Understanding the Epstein-Barr virus

It accompanies us throughout our lives, knows our immune deficiencies and knows how to make itself forgotten, only to reappear when we least expect it.
But who really is Epstein-Barr?

The importance of detecting EBV

Detecting and monitoring the evolution of this virus is part of a preventive and predictive approach. It is time to change current practices and ensure that detection becomes a standard practice among caregivers.

Importance de détecter l’EBV
Vivre avec le virus Epstein-Barr

Living with the Epstein-Barr virus

Just because EBV stays with us throughout our lives doesn’t mean it has to take control of it!
Let’s change the way we look at this virus by learning to tame it.

Taking action to raise awareness of the Epstein-Barr virus

We want this virus to be considered for the impact it has on our health and to end the lack of medical care and under-diagnosis.

Agir pour faire connaitre le virus Epstein-Barr

Let’s take action together

It’s only by spreading the word that we can make progress in tackling this virus.

Join the community

We can go viral too! Let’s show support and care for each other around this virus by spreading the word and bringing it out of the shadows!

Roger Federer One day I felt great and the next day I felt terrible. That's when I told myself, ok there's something wrong.
Roger Federer