#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr

EBV, EveryBody’s Virus

Everyone’s virus

Better understanding this lifelong virus

Better understanding lifelong virus

C'est quoi le virus Epstein Barr

What is the Epstein-Barr virus?

It is one of the oldest viruses known, as it has been living with humans for several hundred thousand years!
But who is this unknown virus that is found in 95% of the world’s population?

Over 30 diseases are linked to EBV

Due to its persistence and action, EBV can trigger or worsen different diseases and disorders. The number of EBV-related diseases is constantly increasing as scientific research progresses.

Les pathologies en liens avec le virus Epstein Barr

Ask your questions about Epstein-Barr

Ask questions to those studying the disease – you’ll be less afraid of what you understand!

About research: useful links and resources

The most up-to-date scientific references on the Epstein-Barr virus are now available to you!

Let's show what EBV is really like with your stories

EBV and humanity evolve together. If you want to understand the immune system, study the Epstein-Barr virus.
Dr. Damilare Faniran - Researcher