#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr

Taking action

Improving EBV detection and monitoring.

Every action counts

The Epstein-Barr virus knows no boundaries – geographic, ethnic or gender. We are all carriers and therefore all potentially affected.

Every small action counts: get involved however you can, depending on your possibilities and availability. Taking action is easy:

  1. Follow us on social networks: like, comment and share our posts on Facebook, Instagram ou Twitter
  2. Use the hashtag #detectEBV
  3. Post a written testimonial or video
  4. Participate in the “1 sentence-1 photo” campaign on EBV
  5. Contact us to share your ideas…

We still have lots of ideas but we need your help. Want to get involved? Please contact us!

I want to know more

We are less afraid of what we better understand

I share my story

To show the reality of EBV


Share my experience using #detectebv

The essentials on the EBV to download or print

English Flyer

Take part in the “1 sentence + 1 photo” campaign

    You are ?*patientcare providerresearcherother
    Other to specify*

    Email address*

    Share your sentence about: EBV and its impact on health?* I write a short paragraph about who I am and my connection to EBV*. Provide your last name, first name or nickname* Add my photo* Consent