Changing practices
Make EBV screening part of the everyday routine of health care providers

Bringing up EBV during a consultation
Health professionals are expected to help their patients identify symptoms, make a diagnosis and provide treatment.
Given the lack of specific symptoms, it is very important that both doctor and patient are aware of the possibility of EBV and address it together during the consultation.
Recent scientific discoveries on viruses and how the immune system works, as well as increasingly powerful biological techniques, should make it possible to establish the link between an impaired health condition and the possible action of a disease-causing agent, such as the Epstein-Barr virus.
Today, every health professional should be able, for example, to bring up the possible action of an active or reactivated EBV when faced with chronic fatigue or neurological disorders. A growing number of scientific papers have been published on this subject.
In addition, when faced with long Covid, some autoimmune diseases or cancers, looking for the EBV virus is important to avoid neglecting any diagnosis and to increase the chances of success in the adopted therapeutic strategy.
One of the objectives of DetectEBV is to make EBV screening part of everyday medical analysis. In fact, did you know that a start-up is currently working on creating a saliva test that could be used by doctors in their consultations to diagnose EBV reactivation in a few minutes?
End the diagnostic delay
The major issue with EBV is that the infection, including mononucleosis, can go completely unnoticed.
The importance
of screening
Reducing the risk of developing EBV-related diseases