#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr

Access the Directory of EBV Specialists

If you are affected by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and are seeking a qualified health professional, we offer a list of specialized providers. Through this directory, you can easily connect with professionals who recognize and treat EBV.

Why is registration necessary?

To ensure secure access and support the availability of health professionals, registration is required before consulting the directory of EBV specialists. This process is simple, free, and allows you to:


Facilitate access to specialized care

By registering, you can easily access the contact information of professionals knowledgeable about EBV, for tailored support.

Preserve the availability of healthcare professionals

Registration helps manage requests, ensuring that professionals can dedicate their time to the most affected patients.

Guarantee secure and free access

Access to the directory is structured, free, and reserved for registered individuals, ensuring appropriate and respectful use of information. Consultation terms (appointments, fees, etc.) are set by each health professional independently of DetectEBV.

Are you a VBE professional?

Refer to our directory right here πŸ‘‡πŸ½

(free field: try to summarise your situation)