#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr


" Epstein-Barr virus is often underestimated "

Under what circumstances did you find out about the Epstein Barr virus (doctor, internet…)?

I was diagnosed with mononucleosis by a doctor about 5 years ago.

How did you react?

I was very surprised, because it’s known as the kissing disease, but I was single at the time, I got it from an outbreak at my school.

What are your symptoms? How are you supported (doctor, family, association…)?

The symptoms are: fatigue, huge lymph nodes, pain on swallowing, fever and problems in the ENT area.

How does the Epstein Barr virus affect your daily life?

The Epstein Barr virus resulted in myalgic encephalomyelitis, increased fatigue (bed rest) and digestive problems, with 4 years of medical wandering before the latter diagnosis was made.

Why do you think it is important to raise awareness about the virus?

The virus is often underestimated because many people have few/no symptoms, but it can lead to many chronic diseases that are still under-recognised and can mess up someone’s life.

Would you like to share anything else about your experience?

It has been a long struggle, and today I have found an alternative medicine that relieves my symptoms, but for a long time I have been in a state of confusion and fear when faced with the excesses of this disease. I would like it to be better taken into account (ALD 30, subsidy, medical recognition) and for doctors to be trained to listen to their patients.