#DetectEBV #VirusEpsteinBarr


" It is important to know all the symptoms in order to best inform patients "

Under what circumstances did you find out about the Epstein Barr virus (doctor, internet…)?

I got sick in 2020.

How did you react?

Very bad because I was not informed at all.

What are your symptoms? How are you supported (doctor, family, association…)?

I have a multitude of symptoms: lymph nodes, insomnia, pain, depression, liver and spleen attacked with the result that I have lost 8kg, with vomiting and loss of appetite. The doctor only told me it was going to be a long time and my family doesn’t understand why it is taking so long.

How does the Epstein Barr virus affect your daily life?

You change forever when you have had this disease and you are not the same afterwards. You don’t have the same energy.

Why do you think it is important to raise awareness about the virus?

It is important to know all the symptoms in order to best inform patients.